Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Crunch Time

Good morning to all,

So I woke up this morning and I had had the WEIRDEST dream. I had gone back to my old high school (after having received my degree) to do another year. It was so vivid. My best friend was there, the group that we used to hang out with was there and even teachers were there that I had learned from. I was even talking to people in the dream about how I had just graduated from university and was coming back. Then, a good friend that I was always double cast with in the opera productions at LAURIER walked in, saying she wanted to try another year of highschool. What does that mean? All I have to say is that when I woke up, I was SO thankful I was going back to do another year of University. Weird.

After thinking of all this, I also realized that I am moving back to Waterloo in 6 days! There is a lot to be done before I get back there, especially housekeeping things. I have to pack, continue to learn music, create a course for myself (an independent study...more on that later), go to the gym, AND see friends that are leaving already for school. It seems that no matter how prepared you are, it always comes down to the last few days.

So...this independent study. This year, my voice teacher, the illustrious Kimberly Barber, has suggested that I and my fellow Op. Dip. Krysta, do an independent study as part of our course work for our Opera Diploma. Basically, we are to design our own course based around a role study. Some of the assignments that we can assign ourselves (kinda cool) are things like a character analysis of said role (probably Pamina from The Magic Flute), a comparative essay on different CD recordings and DVD recordings of the Opera, an interview with artists currently working on said opera, and a presentation at the end of the year on all our findings. I couldn't think of a better way to get a full credit. Could you?

So, basically counting down the days until Waterloo and my first lesson with Kim. I promise I'll tell you all about her soon enough. She's amazing and warrants a large paragraph...but this post is already long enough. I'll post a pic below so you can see her.

6 days!


P.S. Mom, if you're reading this...I'm sad that 6 days means I'll also be leaving you in the Hammer. :(

From left to right: Christiane Riel (my amazing teacher during 4th year), Me, Kimberly Barber, and Elvera (coach and accompanist). This is directly after my grad recital in April 2010.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Wow. I've Started a Blog!

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my new blog called Come Scoglio: A Soprano On A Mission. I've always wanted to start one of these, but never really had a reason to. Now, after graduating from Wilfrid Laurier and receiving my degree (woo!), I'm entering into a new chapter of my life. Although I am returning to Laurier to do so, I feel something different and exciting is about to begin.

Before I say anything else, I will describe what the title of my blog means. For those of you who don't know this, "Come scoglio" is an aria written by W.A. Mozart and comes from his opera Cosi fan tutte. It is a soprano role, the character being named Fiordiligi. In plain english, "Come scoglio" means "like a rock". To be a young, budding soprano in this business calls for strength and determination. Not only are there a large quantity of sopranos trying to get into this business (by business I mean the Operatic singing world), but a large number of GOOD sopranos. We have to work that much harder because we are not in demand. This blog, I'm hoping, will be an outlet for me to reflect on this journey. For readers, I hope it will inspire and answer some questions about what I and many other people do as singers, artists...and most specifically, as sopranos.

I've always known that my life would lead to a job in the performing arts, but never did I believe I would end up here. To be a singing artist is to live a life full of culture and to be immersed in the classics. In September, in about a week, I will be returning to Waterloo, ON to complete my Opera Diploma at Wilfrid Laurier University. This is probably the first year where I have been itching to return to school and start working! Not that I was never excited before, but this is finally when I am able to start focusing on my love: Opera.  It will be a challenging year, especially because I will be applying to schools in the states to continue studying.

So, to conclude, I hope this entry gives readers enough incentive to continue reading and commenting on what will be a very challenging and amazing journey.

Hasta luego (until later),
